Look What I found!

My daughter and I made a quick dash to Walmart today looking for a good, quality, American made Badminton set- we didn’t find one of those but we did find… Tah-dah- Campfire brand “Zebra” marshmallows. 

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I’m always on the look out for new treats to eat around the family reunion campfire (last year  I was disappointed by those giant marshmallows introduced for the camping season) and these little bite size goodies looked too interesting to pass up. 

I haven’t tried roasting them over the fire yet but I can tell you that the one I sampled out of the bag was delicious.  They are pretty little though not as small as a miniature marshmallow and they are drizzled with dark chocolate.

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The package tells us that Zebra marshmallows are great for S’mores though you will need to use 3 or 4 marshmallows per S’more.  Since they are already drizzled with chocolate, maybe we won’t need a chocolate bar.  Oh, my kids are NEVER going to go for that!

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