How well do you know your chocolate bars?

Whether you are in charge of planning a party for family, friends, co-workers or you church, here’s a fun printable with a twist. Instead of identifying candy bars by their name or wrapper you try and recognize your favorite bars by how they look on the inside. You can download a printable copy of the game below.
Answer Key
- Snickers
- Butterfinger
- Baby Ruth
- Milky Way
- PayDay
- Whatchamacallit
- 3 Musketeers
- 5th Avenue
- Almond Joy
- 100 Grand

Although the candy bar game printable is lots of fun you can take your party to a whole new level by letting you guest actually EAT the candy bars.
Divide the group into teams. In advance, cut several well known candy bars into bite sized pieces. The object of this candy bar game is for the blindfolded person to guess the name of the candy bar by taste alone. No peeking and no hints allowed! Each player only gets one guess so give them a little time to come up with the correct answer. If the blindfolded player guesses the candy bar correctly, their team gets a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. And what do you give as prizes- why candy bars!