When my Dad turned 70 we wanted to have a special celebration. He didn’t want anything elaborate for this milestone birthday so we decided to have an intimate family party. My Dad loves M&M’s so that became the theme for our family birthday party.
M & M’s are a fun party theme- the colors are bright and the shape is simple so it’s easy to make party decorations. Here’s some ideas:
Use all different M&M colors for party ware. Mix the colors for plates, napkins, cups, table covers, etc. We put containers of mini M & M’s on each person’s plate.
We made a huge poster imitating a bag of M & M’s. It was a fun idea and easy to make because- M & M’s are CIRCLES!! Use colored paper plates, write an "M" on them and attach to the wall or glue two plates together;flat sides touching. When dry, punch a hole at the top edge of the plates. Use fishing line to hang them from the ceiling or use coordinating colors of curling ribbon.
Use any M&M decorations you can find. We found fun M & M helium balloons. M&M makes tons of fun things to decorate with. A great idea that was fun for our family party was the little plush M & M guys that you can see sitting on the table in the picture. We used them as prizes for the games and activities we had. Other fun prize ideas are small packages of M & M candy.
A simple idea for dessert is a large M & M cake. (There’s that simple circle thing again!) Bake a cake in a round pan and frost in a bright M & M color. Using a “star” tip put a large “m” on the cake. We served ours with M & M ice cream. Cupcakes decorated as M & M’s is another fun idea.
Fun Activity Ideas:
Have a jar full of M&Ms and the guests must guess the correct number. Whoever is closest, win the jar!
You can find free printable M & M coloring pages for the younger ones in your family at Coloring Pages.
If you play games with teams have “red” vs “green” or “plain” vs “peanuts” etc.
M & M Scattergories: This is a great word-type game idea. To play give guests a minute or two to name as many things in a certain category as possible (2 minutes to write down animals beginning with the letter M, things with wheels that begin with the letter M or flowers that begin with the letter M etc. (You get the idea) You can divide your family into teams. The team with the most answers in a category wins a point. The team with the most over-all points wins the game.
M & M Dice Game: You will need a straw and paper plate for everyone that is participating, M&M’s, a large bowl, and a pair of dice. Everyone sits in a circle.
Fill the bowl with M&M’s. Pick a person to start and hand them the bowl. To the person on their left, hand the dice and the box top. On your mark, the person with the dice starts rolling. The person with the M&M’s starts sucking up M&M’s with the straw as quickly as they can and setting them on their plate. As soon as the dice roller hits doubles, the M&M’s get passed to them, and the dice are passed to the next person. Continue around the circle until all the M&M’s are gone or for an allotted time.
When we have played this game at family reunions we split into groups of about 8 players and have several games going on at a time.
For more great birthday party ideas for your family reunion or family get together check out our latest product “When You Were My Age”. at Family Reunion Helper.
Aunt MO
Why did the teenager get fired from the M&M factory?
She threw away all the candy with W’s on them.